19 Best Things To Do on the Oregon Coast For Outdoor Lovers

Road trips

Taking an Oregon Coast road trip is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to experience this beautiful section of the Pacific Northwest. The rugged coastline is home to everything from towering mountains to sand dunes and endless beaches. The Oregon coast is known for its moody appearance and some of the most beautiful ocean views in the Pacific Northwest.

I lived in Oregon in 2022 and spent nearly every weekend either hiking the lush trails or out exploring the coast. I was able to experience so much of the area and it has become one of my favorite places that I’ve been.

In this post, I’ll cover more of the best things to do on an Oregon Coast road trip. If you’re looking for a day-by-day trip, check out Bearfoot Theory’s Oregon Coast road trip itinerary.

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    1. Portland

    Located just about 2 hours from the Oregon coast, Portland is the perfect spot to start your road trip. It’s the largest city in Oregon and is home to an international airport, making it easy to fly in and out of as well as pick up a rental car before hitting the road.

    Before you leave Portland, check out some of the iconic places:

    • Take a photo at the ‘Keep Portland Weird’ Sign
    • Eat some Voodoo Donuts
    • Sample Salt and Straw ice cream
    • Visit Powell’s Book Store
    • Stroll around the Portland Japanese Garden
    • Tour the Pittock Mansion
    • Relax at Washington Park
    • Take on some best Portland’s best hikes
    Portland Oregon
    Get great views out over Portland from the top of Council Crest

    2. Fort Stevens State Park

    When most people road trip the Oregon coast, they head straight to Astoria and skip over Fort Stevens State Park. But this park has dozens of hiking trails, many that follow the ocean coastline and some that lead to old forts that were used in the Spanish-American War, World War I, and World War II. I think it’s well worth the stop.

    My favorite thing to do in the park is to check out the Peter Iredale Shipwreck. Not only are the views out over the Pacific Ocean amazing, but you’ll also learn about the history of the shipwreck. We packed a nice lunch for our hike and spent a few hours exploring the wreck and beach.

    Peter Iredale Shipwreck at Fort Stevens State Park in Oregon
    Check out the Peter Iredale Shipwreck at Fort Stevens State Park

    3. Astoria

    Astoria is the perfect little coastal town to add to your Oregon road trip itinerary.
    If you’re a big movie fan, then you’ve probably seen The Goonies a time or two. Many of the scenes in The Goonies were filmed in Astoria including a few of the character’s houses and the Oregon Film Museum, which was used as the county jail.

    But even for non-movie lovers, Astoria is a beautiful location. Take a walk up the Astoria Column for incredible views of the Columbia River Gorge or take a self-guided tour of the Flavel House Museum.

    Views out over river delta from hike near Astoria, Oregon
    Views from the Astoria Column | Photo credit: Kassidy Olson

    4. Seaside

    If you’re a fan of charming small towns, then Seaside might just be one of your favorite stops on the Oregon Coast! This adorable coastal town offers a lot for visitors to do, whether you like wandering through boutiques, going for a hike, watching for wildlife, or grabbing a bite to eat.

    I recommend taking a walk along the Seaside Promenade which lines the Pacific Ocean and watching for seals in the water. Or, bring the kids on a ride at the Seaside Carousel, which has been around for over 25 years. Lastly, walk through the quaint downtown and stop at the many local shops.

    Seaside Oregon welcome sign
    Seaside is a charming Oregon town with lots of great things to see and do for visitors

    5. Saddle Mountain State Natural Area

    If you’re a hiker and don’t mind going slightly off the beaten path, then a visit to Saddle Mountain should be included in your itinerary! The hike is around 5 miles long, covers just under 1,800 feet of elevation gain, and takes an average of 4 hours to finish.

    The trail can be tricky and you’ll want to make sure that you have a sturdy pair of hiking shoes since there is a lot of elevation gain. But once you’ve made it to the top, you’ll have amazing views of the Pacific Ocean and surrounding mountain ranges.

    Saddle Mountain’s summit stands at 3,290 feet, so you’ll have a great vantage point above the surrounding landscape.

    Views from Saddle Mountain in Oregon
    Views from Saddle Mountain

    6. Ecola State Park

    This beautiful Oregon state park stretches along the Pacific coastline and makes for a great place to get out and explore on your Oregon Coast road trip.

    One of the best places within the park is Ecola Point, which provides some of the best views over the ocean from Crescent Beach and Indian Beach. From this vantage point, you can also see the spot where Fratelli’s hideout was located in the movie, The Goonies. You’ll also be able to see Tillamook Rock Lighthouse, which some people claim is haunted.

    If you have time, I recommend wandering around the hiking trails that are scattered throughout the park.

    Woman standing on the edge of an overlook looking down at a sandy beach at Ecola State Park in Oregon
    The incredibly scenic Crescent Beach at Ecola State Park I Photo credit: Kristen Bor, Bearfoot Theory

    7. Cannon Beach

    One of the most popular stops on the Oregon coast is Cannon Beach. As soon as you arrive at this stunning beach you’ll know exactly why it’s so loved amongst locals and visitors alike!

    The giant Haystack Rock sits just off of the shore. Haystack Rock is one of Oregon’s most famous landmarks and also one of the largest sea stacks in the Pacific Northwest.

    Whether you plan to watch sunrise or sunset at the beach, have a romantic picnic on the shoreline, or simply enjoy the views, Cannon Beach is definitely worth adding to your itinerary.

    Haystack Rock at Cannon beach with the sun setting behind it. A dog is sitting on the beach
    Haystack Rock on Cannon Beach at sunset I Photo credit: Kristen Bor, Bearfoot Theory

    8. Hug Point State Recreation Area

    Hug Point State Recreation Area is one of my favorite stops on the Oregon coast. It’s a hidden gem where you won’t find a lot of other visitors, which makes it even more special.

    This little beach is located just south of Cannon Beach and is home to a small waterfall that runs straight into the ocean, called Hug Point Falls.

    You’ll need to make sure that you visit at low tide because you will need to cross over an area that gets pretty deep to reach the falls. But once you’ve made it, you can enjoy the solitude as you explore the waterfall and the sea caves surrounding it.

    Waterfall on the beach at Hug Point in Oregon
    Hike out to Hug Point Falls at low tide – it’s worth it! | Photo credit: Kassidy Olson

    9. Oswald West State Park

    Whether you’re a surfer, hiker, or just someone wanting to take in the ocean views, Oswald West State Park has it all. You can relax on the secluded sandy beach, get out and catch a wave, or walk along a section of the Oregon Coast Trail.

    Neahkahnie Viewpoint is one of the best lookouts, which offers views of the temperate rainforest that lines the coast as well as the shimmering Pacific Ocean. Cape Falcon Trail and Elk Flats Trail are two other hiking trails that wind through the park and also have amazing views.

    Woman standing at scenic lookout on to the Pacific Ocean at Oswald West State Park in Oregon
    Take in the beautiful views at Oswald West State Park | Photo credit: Kassidy Olson

    10. Cape Kiwanda State Natural Area

    There’s something very special about Cape Kiwanda and it’s one of my all-time favorite places in Oregon, especially to watch the sunrise. This beautiful spot is unlike anywhere else I’ve been – it must be seen to be believed!

    Located in Pacific City, you’ll discover amazing views at Cape Kiwanda by climbing the daunting sand dune that you see from the parking lot. Yes, it’s difficult, but yes, it’s worth it.

    Once you’ve made it to the top of the dune, you’ll be met with awe-inspiring views of red and orange sandstone rocks that line the coast. The waves crash into these rocks and create a beautiful contrast between the orange rocks and blue water.

    If you want to stretch your legs, you can walk along the entire sand dune and search for more hidden and special viewpoints.

    Rock shoreline at Cape Kiwanda on the Oregon Coast
    Views from Cape Kiwanda | Photo credit: Kassidy Olson

    11. Yaquina Head Lighthouse

    Just before reaching the popular coastal town of Newport, you’ll run into Yaquina Head Lighthouse. This beautiful lighthouse is perched up high on the coastline.

    It’s the tallest lighthouse in Oregon and once you’ve snapped a few photos, you can explore the tidepools on the beach to explore that are teeming with small marine animals like starfish, crabs, and clams.

    Yaquina Head Lighthouse
    The Yaquina Lighthouse is the tallest lighthouse in Oregon

    12. Newport

    The coastal town of Newport is a popular place for visitors. There are all sorts of things to do from museums to taking in its natural beauty.

    If you’re interested in learning about marine life, head to the Oregon Coast Aquarium where you can see starfish, coral reefs, and rock pools. Then visit Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museum for a fun adventure, especially if you have little kids with you.

    As for natural beauty around Newport, check out Devil’s Punchbowl, Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, and South Beach State Park.

    Docks and piers at Newport Oregon
    Newport is a popular Oregon Coast town with lots to see and do in the area

    13. Cape Perpetua

    The Oregon Coast is filled with many different capes and bays that provide stunning overlooks. Cape Perpetua is one of my favorite lookouts because it’s one of the highest viewpoints and it’s also accessible by car.

    The overlook offers amazing views of the lush forests that line the coast and the dramatic rocky shoreline. You can see some views from the parking lot, but it’s best to take the short walk to the overlook to get the best vistas!

    Views out over Cape Perpetua on the Oregon Coast
    Don’t miss the Cape Perpetua scenic overlook!

    14. Thor’s Well

    Thor’s Well is one of the most unique and interesting things to do on the Oregon Coast. It’s located right off the road near Cape Perpetua and is easy to get to.

    Thor’s Well appears to be a bottomless hole that drains ocean water as it crashes over the rocks. You can stand close to the sinkhole and watch as the water washes away and seemingly disappears.

    The best time to visit is just about an hour before high tide, so you can see Thor’s Well empty and then fill up again with water. High tide happens once early in the morning and once in the afternoon, about every 12 hours.

    Thor's Well on the Oregon Coast
    The best time to visit Thor’s Well is about an hour before high tide | Photo credit: Kassidy Olson

    15. Heceta Head Lighthouse

    If you’re a fan of lighthouses, then you most definitely want to make a stop at Heceta Head Lighthouse near Florence. The lighthouse sits perched high on a rock above the Pacific Ocean and is one of Oregon’s most photographed lighthouses.

    Aside from just the lighthouse, there are tons of other things to do here as well.
    Stop at the Heceta Head Lighthouse State Scenic Viewpoint and walk down to the beach where you’ll find tidepools to explore. You might even spot seals swimming offshore and birds flying above the rock formations.

    Heceta Head Lighthouse on the coast of Oregon
    The picture-perfect Heceta Head Lighthouse

    16. Sea Lion Caves

    If you’re looking for an easy way to spot some wildlife while exploring the Oregon Coast, make a stop at Sea Lion Caves. This privately owned wildlife preserve is home to the largest sea cave in America and a large population of Stellar sea lions.

    These marine animals live in the cave in a natural setting, so it isn’t like a zoo. The sea lions come and go as they want, so it’s all a surprise as to what you’ll see during your visit.

    Sea Lion caves in Oregon
    If you’re lucky, you’ll get to see lots of Sea Lions lounging on rocks

    17. Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area

    For adventurous travelers, a stop at Oregon Dunes near Gardiner is a must. From walking around and enjoying the views of the dunes against the coastline to cruising through the dunes on an ATV, there are plenty of things to do.

    The Oregon Dunes area is huge and there are lots of places to visit, but the Umpqua Dunes area is one of the most popular for ATV riding. You could also try your hand at sandboarding!

    Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area

    18. Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor

    Another popular stop on the Oregon coastline is Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor, which is home to the famous Natural Bridges. This set of natural arches and bridges found just off the coast are some of the most photographed natural features on the coast.

    In addition to the Bridges, there are several other viewpoints at Samuel H. Boardman including the Cape Ferrelo Viewpoint and the House Rock Viewpoint. Both of these overlooks can be reached by short walks. Watch for whales in the distance, as I’ve seen them here before!

    Natural Bridges at Samuel Boardman State Park in Oregon
    A stop to view the Natural Bridges at Samuel H. Boardman is a must on your Oregon Coast road trip

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    Have you explored this area? What are your favorite things to do on the Oregon Coast? What places do you want to visit the most? Leave a comment below!

    The post 19 Best Things To Do on the Oregon Coast For Outdoor Lovers appeared first on Bearfoot Theory.

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